Bandsawing of Lumber at CHMF

loading a log on the bandsaw mill
sawing a American Cherry log
sawing a American Cherry log
sawing a American Cherry log
sawing a American Cherry log
sawing a American Cherry log
sawing a American Cherry log
Saw operator taking a break while another log is loaded on the saw
Saw operator taking a break while another log is loaded on the saw
Saw operator taking a break while another log is loaded on the saw
Saw operator taking a break while another log is loaded on the saw
Saw operator taking a break while another log is loaded on the saw
Saw operator taking a break while another log is loaded on the saw
Saw operator taking a break while another log is loaded on the saw
log being loaded onto the saw frame for sawing
aligning the log for the first cut
Beginning to cut the board
Squaring up the edge of the board
finishing the cut
close up image of the operation
close up image of the operation
close up image of the operation
close up image of the operation
close up image of the operation
image of the bandsaw
close up of the hands of the sawyer
close up of the hands of the sawye
resting after a long days work
resting after a long days work
removing the finished board from the saw mill
observers sitting on a stack of freshly sawn lumber

Published 30 May 2014 last modified 19 Feb 2018          © Clay Hill Memorial Forest 2014                   

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