Plant Web Sites

CHMF believes all these sites to be valid educational resources, but CHMF is not responsible for the content of the sites or for
links contained within them. Please report any dead links to the WebMaster.

Native Plant Societies

North American Native Plant Society

Indiana Native Plant and Wildflower Society

The Virginia Native Plant Society 


Friends of the Prairie Learning Center - Neal Smith N. Wildlife Refuge


Non-Flowering Plants

American Fern Society


National Sites

Flora of North America

National PLANTS Database

The Nature Conservancy


Search Sites and Addresses

Wildflower Magazine - Native Plant Links

School House Botany


University Sites

Vascular Plant Collection; Univ. of Minnesota Herbarium

Other Sites
Almaden Wildflowers
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center - Home
Kansas Wildflowers & Grasses
Published 9 july 2012 last modified 21 March 2018           © Clay Hill Memorial For
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